По меньшей мере четыре человека погибли, еще 84 получили ранения в результате удара российских войск по школе-интернату в Судже. Спасательные работы продолжаются.

As of 10:00 PM, rescue operations continue in Sudzha following a strike by Russia on a boarding school. Four fatalities have been confirmed.

This information comes from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Military personnel from the military command on Russian territory are still working at the site. During the debris removal efforts, 84 civilians have been rescued and received medical assistance, their condition is stable. Four individuals are in serious condition, and another four have died,” the statement reads.

President Volodymyr Zelensky also responded to the strike in Sudzha, labeling Russia as a “state devoid of civilization.”

“This is how Russia fights. The city of Sudzha, Kursk region, Russian territory. A boarding school with civilians who were preparing for evacuation. A Russian aerial bomb. They destroyed the building, even though there were dozens of peaceful people inside... This is a state devoid of civilization. And this evil will not stop on its own,” the president wrote.

Furthermore, Zelensky recalled Russia's wars against Chechnya, Syria, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

“Russia fought this way decades ago against Chechnya. They killed Syrians in the same manner. Russian bombs are destroying Ukrainian homes. Even against their own civilians, the Russian army employs similar methods,” the statement mentions.

It is worth noting that on February 1, Russian troops struck a boarding school in the city of Sudzha in the Kursk region, resulting in 95 people being trapped under the rubble.

Earlier, on January 11, Russian forces also launched an airstrike on a boarding school in the city of Sudzha in the Kursk region. At that time, a woman was killed as a result of the attack.

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