In 2024, over 176 thousand children were born in Ukraine. Ukrainians often chose the most popular names, while some preferred rare and unique ones.
This was reported by the Ministry of Justice on Friday, January 17.
“Barbie, Merci, Sultan, and Dobrynya are not characters from a fairy tale, but real names of little Ukrainians! In 2024, over 176,000 newborns received unique names that became symbols of their parents' love, hopes, and expectations. Interestingly, popular names like Sofia and Artem have remained at the top of the rankings for several consecutive years,” the Ministry of Justice stated.
The most popular female names in the second half of 2024 were: Anna, Sofia, Maria, Ekaterina, Solomiya, Polina, Victoria, and Milana.
Among male names, the leaders are: Artem, Maxim, Bohdan, Dmytro, Mykhailo, Andriy, Denys, Daniil, Tymofiy, Makar, and Mark.
Among the unusual female names were: Barbie, Merci, Dzyvinka, Angela, Ruta, Horynia, Jasmine, Roksolana, Vasilisa, Olympiada, Luna, Tsvetok, Sulamita, Malva, and Doyana.
Boys were given names such as: Panteleimon, Solomon, Tamerlane, Aeneas, Svyatogor, Arnold, Elisee, Dobrynya, Zoreslav, Zorovavel, Yair, Severin, Askold, and Sultan.
The Ministry of Justice reminded that according to Ukrainian law, individuals who have reached the age of 14 have the right to change their surname and/or first name and/or patronymic with the consent of their parents or guardians. From the age of 16, they can change them at their own discretion.
It is worth noting that last year, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a demographic development strategy. According to Opentadatabot, mortality in Ukraine last year was three times higher than the birth rate.
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