Detective of the NABU Timur Arshavin, who illegally crossed the border into Romania and fled, had direct ties to Russia and significant financial issues. Despite this, he was appointed to a position in the Bureau and gained access to state secrets, according to an investigation by
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“A person who had direct connections with the aggressor country and faced major problems with creditors not only received a position in NABU but also access to state secrets. At some point, all of the detective's debts were cleared, millions appeared in his accounts, and he fled the country, crossing the border illegally. No NABU official has been held accountable for this. NABU pretends that everything is fine. The question is: how many more moles are sitting in NABU and why is Kryvonos inactive about this?” – wrote
By analyzing data from open sources and registries, journalists discovered that Arshavin’s parents and wife hold valid Russian citizenship.
“Arshavina Anastasia Beligteevna (wife – ed.), who is actually Dagbaeva Oyun Beligteevna, a Russian citizen from the Sakha Republic, city of Neryungri, was not only a partner in the personal life of the NABU detective. Arshavin and his wife ran a joint business: they were co-founders of the Public Association 'Complex Solutions',” noted the investigation authors.
According to their findings, Arshavin suddenly came into money just before his escape. Prior to that, he had been stuck in microloans with outrageous interest rates throughout his time at NABU.
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“According to official information, only two years later did he take 50 (!) microloans. The smallest loan was 500 hryvnias, the largest 30,000 UAH. This indicates that the NABU detective was so dependent on something that he borrowed even 500 UAH,” the journalists reported.
It was this indebted detective, according to them, who represented the state in court against Kolomoisky.
“Not in the (case – ed.) that the oligarch is currently imprisoned for, but in another case, which, apparently, was leaked by NABU. Because, despite all promises, no suspicions ever materialized. The materials of the case are classified, but not for the detective – the husband of a Russian citizen had access to everything, just like to other cases,” the article from states.
NABU claimed that Arshavin was dismissed at the time of his participation in the Kolomoisky court case, but this is not true, the investigation noted.
“The registries tell a different story: the 'dismissed detective' was actually representing NABU in court against Kolomoisky at that time. Why did the Bureau provide false information? Otherwise, they would have to admit that they employed a spy. And that would lead to a scandal and possible dismissal of NABU director Semen Kryvonos,” the journalists emphasized.
As previously reported, National Anti-Corruption Bureau detective Timur Arshavin fled Ukraine to Romania. In October 2024, he crossed the border outside official checkpoints and has not returned since. NABU stated that he resigned from the Bureau in July 2023.