In Kryvyi Rih, the streets of the city showcased something remarkable - Spider-Man, the famous superhero who typically battles crime, decided to take a ride on a high-speed tram. This spectacle caught the attention of local residents, who curiously watched this unusual journey. This was reported by "Vidomo" referencing "Typical Kryvyi Rih".
This moment turned into a humorous story for the locals. Such a character could not only ride the tram but also interact with residents, assisting them in daily tasks, like helping carry heavy bags or rescuing a cat stuck in a tree.
In this case, the mythical hero was peacefully resting at Kryvyi Rih's transportation landmark, leaning his head against the glass.
It's interesting to ponder how Spider-Man manages everyday issues, such as paying for his fare. Perhaps he has special privileges since he protects the city from "villains" and makes it a safer place?
Previously, we reported that in Dnipro, quad bikes reached "MostCity".
We also wrote - in Kryvyi Rih, the high-speed tram miraculously did not derail because vandals threw a brick at its windshield.